So here's the job title (deep breath): Bilingual Call Center Customer Service Representative and Hispanic Community Liaison. (exhale) Basically, it's 2 jobs in one. I work in the Tulsa Transit call center, as a customer service rep, but I'm also bilingual. (Para espanol, oprima el numbero 2 - that's me!) AND I'm the Hispanic Community Liaison, which is the most exciting thing to me. They're starting a new program of outreach to the Hispanic community, which involves spreading more awareness about our services to the Hispanic community, and teaching people how to use the buses to their advantage. In the last 3 weeks, I've been attending meetings with business people who are connected to the Hispanic community. Everyone has been so excited about what Tulsa Transit can do for that community. I've been helping to translate some of our informative literature into Spanish. I've also been manning a booth for the last several weeks at the Admiral Flea market. It's been great to get out into the Hispanic community, speak some Spanish with people, meet new contacts, and find out ways that the company I work for can enrich the lives of Hispanic people in Tulsa.
Not sure if it sounds cool or interesting to any of you, but it's been great for me! It's my first full time job - I call it my "I'm-a-big-kid-now" job. My co-workers are pretty cool, for the most part. They've been very helpful to me with my myriad of questions. I feel like my brain has been completely stuffed full of information since I started the job. One of the fun things I get to do is use a walkie-talkie and say "10-4." But that's just a side note.
I wanted to share some of the funny and interesting conversations I've had on the phones. A lot of the time, I'm on the phones answering calls (alllllll dayyyyyy). Half the calls are from people who use the city buses, with questions about what bus to take from Point A to Point B, what time the bus they want arrives, etc. The other half of the calls are to schedule appointments with our Lift Program. That's our paratransit service; it's a curb-to-curb rideshare for mentally and/or physically disabled individuals. We schedule their trips in the computer system. I've been making a list of some of the things people have called me, some sweet, some weird. I've been called baby, sweetie, honey, sugar, any other term of endearment. Some of them are great, from the elderly ladies scheduling their trips to the doctor and to Walmart. Some of them are from smarmy guys who think that my sweet voice is an invitation for come ons. I have to mute the phone to go "gaaahhhhh!!! Grossgrossgross!" And then politely, "Ok, sir, well you have a nice day now buhbye." I've also had a guy tell me I'm just a white woman who doesn't know how to communicate with black people. I'll have him know that a black man the day before thought I was such a good communicator that he was moved to ask me if I had a boyfriend. In your face.
I know I'm getting totally wordy here, and any readership I had before has now fallen off, but anyway - that's my job, in a really big, weird nutshell. I'll keep you posted - today I went to a luncheon put on by the Greater Tulsa Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and came in contact with a woman who is going to do a televised interview with me this coming Monday! The show is called Temas en Tulsa, which means Topics (or Subjects/themes) in Tulsa. I'm soooo excited and nervous! Not sure what channel it comes on yet. For everyone who prayed for me and encouraged me during my job search, thank you so much. God has blessed me exceedingly beyond what I had hoped for. This is an opportunity for me to serve people who kindness and effeciency, and I really appreciate what I have in front of me.